About Manufacturing Day 2024: Friday, Oct. 4
Recognized nationwide on the first Friday of October, manufacturers open their doors to share with local communities and students the crucial role manufacturing serves in the economy -- as well as the important and rewarding jobs it provides. As experts predict 4.6 million manufacturing jobs will need to be filled in the U.S. in the next 10 years, it's timely as ever to raise awareness on the vast opportunities available in a manufacturing career, and especially metalcasting!
From submarines to kitchenware to rocket ships, metal castings are everywhere under the sea, on land, and above us. The $50 billion industry supports nearly a half-million jobs in the country, with castings being used to produce 90% of all manufactured durable goods and machinery.
On Oct. 4, 2024, AFS will highlight member companies taking part in Manufacturing Day 2024, as well as sharing fun facts, videos, and insights about careers in metalcasting.
Host Your Own Manufacturing Day
Are you passionate about spreading the positive message of metalcasting? Manufacturing Day is your chance to open your doors to the public and educate on the importance of metalcasting. It’s also your opportunity to demonstrate to younger workers that metalcasting can be a great career. Whether you're holding a traditional plant tour, or hosting a virtual Manufacturing Day celebration, AFS has put together resources below to support the success of these Corporate Member events.
Are you hosting an event? Email your plans to Bill Finn at bfinn@afsinc.org and register your event with the Manufacturing Day website. Interested in purchasing a finished Foundry-In-a-Box kit? Contact Trent True at Kent State University for details. For copies of Melting Point, AFS's magazine for grade-schoolers, email Kim Phelan at kphelan@afsinc.org.
For AFS Member Companies
Guides & Templates
- Step-by-Step Manufacturing Day Guide – A short guide of how to set up your own event, a PR & Media Checklist, and metalcasting fact sheet.
- Manufacturing Day News Release Template – Inspire the next generation of metalcasters by inviting local schools, elected officials, and the media to attend your Manufacturing Day event with this press release.
- School Invitation Template - Invite local schools to join your manufacturing day event by using this template.
Infographics & Facts
- Manufacturing Day Metalcasting Facts Infographic - Share with any one wanting to know more about the Metalcasting industry in a fun graphic way.
- Manufacturing Day Metalcasting Facts - This compressed folder contains social media ads for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and twitter. Each of the 16 types of ads has a metalcasting fact. All the files are contained in a compressed folder for easy downloading.
- Economic Impact Analysis - Visualize the impact of the U.S. metalcasting industry on the economy and jobs.
Videos & Demonstrations
- Careers in Metalcasting Video - Learn more about the careers available in the field of metalcasting.
- Spotlight on the Modern Metalcasting Industry Video - Check out the PBS video about foundry processes, job opportunities, and the everyday impact of metal castings.
- Castings. Wherever You Are Video - You're never more than 10 feet from a metal casting! Discover what common items contain metal castings.
- We Love Metalcasting Video - Learn why people in the metalcasting industry love being metalcasters.
- Foundry in a Box Demonstration Video - Watch the casting process up close as we create a miniature tin casting!
- AFS 3D Printing Demonstration - 3D printing plays a big role in the metalcasting industry. But how does it work? Watch this timelapse and see for yourself.
Activity Books
- Manufacturing Activity Book - Mazes, word searches, puzzles and more that teach kids the basics of manufacturing and metalcasting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Coloring Book - Fun pages to color, based on illustrations from the children's book Foundry Friends Make a Casting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Experiments - Hands-on manufacturing activities for home or school. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
For Educators
Videos & Demonstrations
- Spotlight on the Modern Metalcasting Industry Video - Check out the PBS video about foundry processes, job opportunities, and the everyday impact of metal castings.
- Foundry in a Box Demonstration Video - Watch the casting process up close as we create a miniature tin casting!
- Careers in Metalcasting Video - Learn more about the careers available in the field of metalcasting.
- We Love Metalcasting Video - Learn why people in the metalcasting industry love being metalcasters.
- AFS 3D Printing Demonstration - 3D printing plays a big role in the metalcasting industry. But how does it work? Watch this timelapse and see for yourself!
Infographics & Facts
- Manufacturing Day Metalcasting Facts Infographic - Share with any one wanting to know more about the Metalcasting industry in a fun graphic way.
- Manufacturing Day Metalcasting Facts - This compressed folder contains social media ads for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and twitter. Each of the 16 types of ads has a metalcasting fact. All the files are contained in a compressed folder for easy downloading.
Activity Books
- Manufacturing Activity Book - Mazes, word searches, puzzles and more that teach kids the basics of manufacturing and metalcasting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Coloring Book - Fun pages to color, based on illustrations from the children's book Foundry Friends Make a Casting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Experiments - Hands-on manufacturing activities for home or school. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
For Students
Videos & Demonstrations
- Spotlight on the Modern Metalcasting Industry Video - Check out the PBS video about foundry processes, job opportunities, and the everyday impact of metal castings.
- Manufacturing Day Metalcasting Facts Infographic - Learn more about the metalcasting industry.
- Careers in Metalcasting Video - Learn more about the careers available in the field of metalcasting.
- We Love Metalcasting Video - Learn why people in the metalcasting industry love being metalcasters.
- Foundry in a Box Demonstration Video - Watch the casting process up close as we create a miniature tin casting!
- AFS 3D Printing Demonstration - 3D printing plays a big role in the metalcasting industry. But how does it work? Watch this timelapse and see for yourself!
Activity Books
- Manufacturing Activity Book - Mazes, word searches, puzzles and more that teach kids the basics of manufacturing and metalcasting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Coloring Book - Fun pages to color, based on illustrations from the children's book Foundry Friends Make a Casting. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)
- Manufacturing Experiments - Hands-on manufacturing activities for home or school. (Published by AFS Corporate Member Batesville Products, Inc.)

AFS is committed to providing these resources as part of its Advocate-Educate-Innovate mission.