Additive Manufacturing Division

The goals of this division are dedicated to empowering the metalcasting industry through the advancement of additive manufacturing (AM).

Additive Manufacturing Executive/Program Committee

  • Oversees, coordinates and guides division activities.
  • Coordinates education for the metalcasting industry events relating to additive manufacturing and 3D printing including AFS AM conference and technical sessions at the annual AFS Metalcasting Congress.

3D Printed Hard Tooling Task Group

  • Produce printed tools at ½ the time and ½ the cost of convention processes
  • Educate the industry of the technology and possibilities
  • Move the metalcasting industry forward
  • Remove barriers to use

3D Printed Sand Casting Task Group

  • Casting design issues
  • Conversion to sand casting from weldment and fabrications
  • Remove or minimize barriers to entry into AM 
  • Materials 
  • Equipment
  • Economics/ Cycle times
  • Production issues; dimensional accuracy, surface finish etc.

3D Printed Investment Casting Tooling Task Group

  • Promote development and profitability of expendable pattern investment casting.
  • Advance from prototype into low to medium volume production
  • Partner / Avoid duplication of effort with AFS Investment Casting Committee (4L)
  • Identify potential research and development projects 

Travis Frush, Technical Director of Metalcasting Services